Q & A with Dr. Flora Teng

Q. Describe your proudest moment as a teacher, who was the student(s) and why was it such a special moment.
My pride in teaching comes from the cumulative progress that each students makes over the time I’ve worked with them. I can see in small ways that they have taken in my suggestions and it’s helped them to improve their skills and gain confidence.

Q. Why do you love to teach?
Because I love what I do, and to see a passion ignited in others as well. It keeps me “on my toes;” learners are always questioning and obliging us to examine why we do the things we do.

Q. Was there someone who was inspirational to you, and whom you emulate as a teacher/mentor?
Dr. Andrew Seal. He modeled a kindness and compassion with patients and students that I have never seen before. He welcomed anyone into his operating room, involved them in the care of the patient, and made them feel that their contribution was important. I try to model my teaching efforts after his example.

Q. Are there words of wisdom you would like to say to those aspiring to be teachers?
Observe your students carefully so as to give clear, constructive feedback that is specific and actionable. Nothing is more demoralizing than receiving feedback, without a means to improve.

Q. How would your students describe you as a teacher?
My students would describe me as approachable and supportive.