Q & A with Dr. Neeraj Mehra

Q. Describe your proudest moment as a teacher, who was the student(s) and why was it such a special moment.
In obstetrics, junior learners have the opportunity to practice operative procedures (forceps, breech vaginal delivery, or complicated C-section), in simulation exercises; an educational modality I frequently use in teaching.

There was a resident that was struggling with a particular procedure, and understandably feeling dejected. Using simulation models we devoted time to practicing this procedure. Within the week, this resident was excitedly telling me that she had successfully delivered a baby using the very procedures that we had been practicing only the week before.

Seeing such dramatic improvement in learning and skill is one of the reasons that I love to teach.

Q. Why do you love to teach?
I am so grateful for all that my own mentors taught me in residency, fellowship and beyond. The feeling of gratitude that I get from students when I teach, reminds me in turm of the gratitude I have for those those that had the greatest influence on me. To be part of that tapestry of mentorship, now passing on memorable, teaching experiences that may stay with the students for years to come; these are the reasons I love teaching.

Q. Was there someone who was inspirational to you, and whom you emulate as a teacher/mentor?
I am fortunate to have had many great mentors throughout my residency and fellowship. Those mentors have all influenced my teaching style.

Q. Are there words of wisdom you would like to say to those aspiring to be teachers?
Teach what you are enthusiastic about. Take advantage of any teaching opportunities and ways to advance our teaching skills as early as you can. If those opportunities don’t exist, create them.

Q. How would your studen
ts describe you as a teacher?
I didn’t know how to answer this question so I asked them. They describe me as enthusiastic about teaching, and appreciate the energy I bring, that I willing to listen and help them through areas in which they are struggling.